Thomas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Perfect For Home Gym
I actually bought these through a local store on backorder, but loved them so much when they arrived that I came on Amazon to rate. They are perfect for a home gym as they replicate a standard dumbbell form, and only are as long as the weight plates attached. (some others come in awkward shapes). They are extremely simple to adjust, just switch a dial and lift, and can be done at 2.5lbs settings by setting one number on one end, and +1 on the other end. (each plate is 2.5 lbs). Note that the minimum weight on these is 10lbs, but they go up to 55lbs each. I was concerned about the stand- don't really have the room for that in my living room. As it turns out, the caddies at the top of the stand are all that are needed to hold the weights, so if you simply don't attach those and store the weights in the caddies alone, they take up no more space than two dumbells. I stored those in a padded storage bench that was already in my living room and used that as my workout bench. Eventually I got a commercial bench, set up my garage with some pads, and then set up the full stand there. Awesome weights - sturdy construction.