Wes Ochs ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Good Adjustable Dumbbells
I really like these dumbbells. I've had the set for a few months now and they are what I was hoping for: easy to adjust, dumbbell feel, and sturdy. I was most worried about swinging the weights for cross fit style workouts, but they've worked well and I don't have any concerns going forward. I would not recommend banging the weights, though.
The weights come with a stand, which was easy to put together. The stand is needed to hold the dumbbells when adjusting weight.
Two small gripes would be that the weights are not symmetrically shaped (just takes getting used to) and the selector is numbered 1-10 which is indexed to a weight. Although I'm starting to remember the numbers I still like to double check before I begin each exercise.